Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sweet Sunny and violent

Sunny So Nyuh Shi Dae's become a sweet girl and violent, according Yejin Park.

Lately, Sunny has been showing his fighting spirit when they caught a fish with his bare hands in SNSD Horror Movie Factory MBC's Sunday Sunday Night.

So Nyuh Shi Dae practiced their performance with Lee Bumsoo as his teacher. Thechallenge this week was the best scene remake of popular dramas and movies withouthesitation, regardless of the situation. The first scene of the drama of MBC Phoenix,with a great performance by Lee and Lee Seojin Eunjo was catching a fish. In this task,Sunny caught the attention of people with their concentration and will, when he took off his gloves, threw them up and took the fish with his bare hands.

The members also pulled the hair of Yoo Saeyoon to redo the work of Kim Jungeuncomic in "Marrying the Mafia". Sooyoung pricipalmente made ​​a fine performance whenhe pulled the hair of Saeyoon Yoo, making everyone laugh on set. The episode will airon March 14.


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